Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day for America!

To start I would like to say I hope everyone went out to vote. Voting is an important part of your life since you as the public get to choose your leaders. It is a right in which many people in countries around the world do not have and should not be taken for granted.

States are quickly posting their numbers as they come in, but is it really accurate for the media to report when states only release 20% of their vote. Does percentages of a state really determine whether it is red, blue or green? Currently Mitt Romney has taken the lead in the popular vote and has his lead in the electoral votes. At the moment the 2012 election is anyone's game, swing states which lead to more electoral votes will be key for winning the election.

As nine o'clock approaches and the late polls are closing it is shown via CNN live that 270 electoral votes will win the election for either candidate. The national congress results according to BBC are: 38 Republican seats, 36 Democrat seats and 2 Other.

Different media coverages are reporting some different numbers. BBC seems to be trailing in their website coverage as news stations like CNN cover closing polls and electoral votes faster.

Only 19 states are currently fully in. More to come soon!


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